
Table of contents


Aloy is a playable character and an experienced machine hunter of the Nora Tribe. She uses weapons, like Bow and Disc Launcher, to simply beat machines and a unique spear-shaped tool to override them.



Silent StrikePress R1 to sillently takedown small enemis or deal high damage to lager targets.
Hunter ReflexesTime slows while aiming during a jump or a slide.
Silent DropLanding from a fall or jump is completely silent, and will not alert otherwise unaware enemies.
Strike From AbovePress R1 to silently drop and take down small machines and humans, or deal high damage to medium enemies.
Balanced AimUse ranged weapons while balancing on ropes.
Requires Hunter Reflexes
Low ProfileFurther reduces your visibility to enemies when crouching.
Requires Silen Drop
Strike From BelowPress R1 when hanging below human enemies to peform a silent takedown.
Requires Strike from Above
Strong Strike15% damage incrase to Strike attacks:
  • Silent Strike
  • Strike from Above
  • Strike from Below
  • Leader Strike
Requires Strike from Above
Dodge ProwessHold 〇 for a long dodge roll, or tap 〇 for a short dodge roll.
Requires Low Profile
Leader StrikePress R1 to perform a silent takedown on heavy and elite human enemies.
Requires Strike from Below
Strong Strike +30% damage increase to Strike attacks:
  • Silent Strike
  • Strike from Above
  • Strike from Below
  • Leader Strike
Requires Strong Strike
Quiet SprintSprinting is quiet, grealy reducing the chances of alerting nearby enemies.
Requires Dodge Prowess


ConcentrationWhile aiming, toggle with R3 to slow down time.
Critical HitPress R1 for a high damage attack on downed enemies.
PrecisionLight spear attacks have an increase chance to knock off armor and components.
Heavy LifterMove faster while wilding a heavy weapon.
Critical Hit +Critical hits deal more damage.
Precision +Light spear attacks have a greatly increased chance to knock off armor and components.
Requires Precision
Concentration +Increases the maximum duration of concentration.
Requires Heavy Lifter
Double ShotUse R1 while aiming to notch an additional arrow on all bow weapons.
Requires Heavy Lifter
Knock DownHeavy Spear attack will knock down machines faster.
Requires Precision +
Fast ReloadFast reload while using Concentration.
Requires Concentration +
Triple ShotUse R1 while aiming to notch up to 3 arrows at once on all bow weapons.
Requires Double Shot
Fighting BackHeavy Spear attacks deal increased damage when Aloy's health is low.
Requires Knock Down


Lure CallLure a single enemy to your position. The target will be the closest, most centered in Aloys's view.
HealerSpeeds up healing from the medicine pouch.
Gatherer Additional natural resouces when foraging.
Combat OverrideIncreases the time a machine will remain overridden by 50%.
Requires Lure Call
HerbalistDoubles the capacity of the medicine pouch.
Requires Healer
ScavengerChace for extra resources when looting downed machines.
Requires Gatherer
Combat Override +Increases the time a machine will remain overridden indefinitely.
Requires Combat Override
Disarm TrapsTraps and trip wires can now be disarmed and reused.
Requires Scavenger
Ammo CrafterCraft additional ammo from the same amount of resources.
Requires Scavenger
Call Mount +Call a new overridden mount if no mount is available.
Requires Combat Override
TinkerWeapon Coils and Outfit Weaves can now be removed and reused.
Requires Disarm Traps
Scavenger +Increased chance for extra resources when looting downed machines.
Requires Ammo Crafter




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Comments (updated every hour)

This is actually good
@@@ you The nator
Besides Horizon Zero Dawn there is a very similar game, I suggest you buy Horizon Forbidden West ...
And while we are waiting for the DLC, you can play WoW, there are a lot of raids there. and if yo...
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