
A Seeker at the Gates

Horizon Zero Dawn Top Story
Tallnecks directory updated!
update 02/03/2017



  • Exit the Carja Fort
  • Talk to the Commander of the Carja Border Fort
  • Kill the Corrupted Machines
  • Go to the Carja Border Fort
  • 2/2 Clear Corrupted Zones
  • Talk to Marea at Mother's Crown
  • Go through the gates of the Embrace
  • Talk to Varl
  • Test the Override Device on a Machine


  • 6000 XP
  • 1 Skill Point(s)

Talk to Marea at Mother's Crown

Test the Override Device on a Machine

The path to Mother's Crown is far. You will need to override a Strider. Find one and sneak up to it so you can successfully override it by pressing and holding TRIANGLE. Once you have a Strider you can mount it and ride it all the way to Mother's Crown.

Talk to Varl

Along the way you will encounter Varl near the gates of the Embrace. You must speak to him to start a cutscene.

Talk to Marea at Mother's Crown

When you enter the Mother's Crown, Marea will be in the center of the village. Talk to her to initiate a cut-scene. You will unlock a new quest the War Chief’s Trail.Ignore that quest for now.

Clear two Corrupted Zones

After talking to Marea you will have to clear the two corrupted zones that she mentions. Follow the quest marker to locate the corrupted zones. Prepare with fire arrows and traps to make quick work of the Corrupted Machines

Go to the Carja Border Fort

When you get to the Fort, a Corruptor and some Corrupted Machine will be there. Kill them and you will be able to enter the Carja Border Fort. Talk to the commander of the Carja Border Fort and complete the quest.


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Comments (updated every hour)

@@@ you The nator
Besides Horizon Zero Dawn there is a very similar game, I suggest you buy Horizon Forbidden West ...
And while we are waiting for the DLC, you can play WoW, there are a lot of raids there. and if yo...
It is weapon dependent. Hunter bow, I think.
> Go to the latest comments


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