
The Sun Shall Fall

Horizon Zero Dawn Top Story
Tallnecks directory updated!
update 02/03/2017


The Oseram warlord Dervahl kidnapped and tortured Ersa, who later died of her wounds. Now he's on his way to Meridian to take revenge on the Carja. He must be stopped at all cost.


  • Go to Palace of the Sun in Meridian
  • Talk to Avad
  • Go to the Warehouse
  • Enter the Warehouse
  • Examine the Bomb
  • Search the Warehouse
  • Destroy the Window Bracket
  • Push the Blaze out the Window
  • Investigate the Area
  • Follow the Trail
  • Follow Dervahl into the Palace
  • Go to the Solarium
  • Destroy the Sonic Device
  • Defeat Dervahl and his Men
  • Talk to Dervahl
  • Kill the Glinthawks
  • Talk to Dervahl Again


  • +6000 experience
  • +1 Skill points

Go to Palace of the Sun in Meridian

Return to Meridian by using a Fast Travel Pack and enter the Palace of the Sun. Talk to Avad about your investigations at Dervahl's workshop.

Go to the Warehouse

The clues you found in Dervahl's workshop led you to a warehouse. Head on over to the warehouse by following your quest marker.

Upon entering the warehouse you will find some Blaze bombs. Investigate the warehouse and find a way to safely deal with the bomb.

You'll have to destroy the window bracket and push the bomb through it. Now that the bomb has been dealt with. Scan the area for any tracks and follow them.

Defeat Dervahl and His Men

Follow the tracks to an alternate route into the Palace. You'll find Dervahl and his men along the way.

Go to the Solarium and along the way you'll have to take out some of Dervahl's men. Deal with them and continue on the path.

Once you reach the Solarium, a cut-scene will start and Dervahl won't be able to detonate his bomb. When he leaves, destroy the Sonic Device and follow after Dervahl for a fight.

Take out Dervahl and his men. He will be using a Tearblaster to knock you down, but it takes time to reload in between shots. Evade the blasts and aim for head shots in between. Then speak to him and he will summon some Glinthawks to fight for him. Use fire arrows to bring down the machines and then use Critical Hit to finish them off. Defeat them and speak to Dervahl again to start a cut-scene.


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Comments (updated every hour)

This is actually good
@@@ you The nator
Besides Horizon Zero Dawn there is a very similar game, I suggest you buy Horizon Forbidden West ...
And while we are waiting for the DLC, you can play WoW, there are a lot of raids there. and if yo...
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