
Table of contents


Sun-Priest Namman wants to usher in a new era of reconciliation between tribes by helping three pilgrims. Each wishes to mourn loved ones lost during the Red Raids, but obstacles stand in the way.


  • Talk to Mournful Namman
  • Go to the Shrine of Kings
  • Go to the Lake Shrine
  • Go to the Sun's Climb
  • Talk to the Oseram Pilgrim
  • Talk to the Sun Priest
  • Talk to the Oseram Pilgrim
  • Go to the Top of the Sun's Climb
  • 3/3 Kill the Glinthawks
  • Talk to the Banuk Pilgrim
  • 2/2 Kill the Snapmaws
  • Talk to the Utaru Pilgrim
  • Return to Mournful Namman



Mournful Namman

Speak to Namman in Meridian to help him with his goal of bringing in a new era of reconciliation between the tribes.

The Shrine of Kings

Simply head over to the Shrine of Kings and talk to the Oseram Pilgrim, he will ask you to convince the Sun Priest to let them through. Speak to the Priest and then return to the Oseram Pilgrim to complete this part of the quest.

The Sun's Climb

Climb up to the top of Sun's Climb and defeat the Glinthawks disturbing the Banuk Pilgrim. Once you defeat them all speak to the Pilgrim to complete this part of the quest.

Metal Flower - Mark III (OPTIONAL)

At the top of the Sun's Climb will be a pillar of rock to the side. On it rests a Metal Flower - Mark III that you may use to trade with special merchants.

The Lake Shrine

Head on over to the Lake Shrine to face off against two Snapmaws. Defeat them and then speak to the Utaru Pilgrim. Snapmaws are vulnerable to fire damage and can be easily tied down with Carja Ropecaster. You can tie one down and deal with the other one to make the fight easier. You can also use Tearblast Arrows on their legs to knock them over for a short stun.

Return to Mournful Namman

Return to Namman and speak with him about the three Pilgrims.


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Comments (updated every hour)

This is actually good
@@@ you The nator
Besides Horizon Zero Dawn there is a very similar game, I suggest you buy Horizon Forbidden West ...
And while we are waiting for the DLC, you can play WoW, there are a lot of raids there. and if yo...
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