
Sun and Shadow

Horizon Zero Dawn Top Story
Machine DB updated!
update 02/03/2017

Table of contents


Elida, the daughter of a Carja noble, has gone missing. Her father fears suicide, but still hopes she may be found.

Rewards5000 XP


  • Investigate the Garden
  • Follow the Tracks
  • Investigate the Boathouse
  • Investigate the Island
  • Kill the Snapmaw
  • Investigate the Island
  • Talk to Elida
  • Go to Atral's Signal Fire
  • Follow the Tracks
  • Kill the Shadow Carja Soldiers
  • Talk to Atral
  • Return to Elida



Find Elida

Aloy has been tasked to search for Elida. A good start would be in their Garden which is her last known location. Go to the Garden and use the Focus to scan for clues.

Investigate the Island

Elida has left some tracks at the Garden. Follow them to a boathouse and then swim across to the Island.

When you get to the Island you will have to Kill a Snapmaw and protect Elida from it. After killing the Snapmaw investigate the Island and speak to Elida

Find Atral

Aloy must now find Atral. Investigate his signal fire on the other Island.

Follow his tracks and you will find the Shadow Carja. Kill them to get to Atral and speak with him.

Go to back to Elida to bring the news and complete the quest by speaking with Lahavis, Elida's father.


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Comments (updated every hour)

This is actually good
@@@ you The nator
Besides Horizon Zero Dawn there is a very similar game, I suggest you buy Horizon Forbidden West ...
And while we are waiting for the DLC, you can play WoW, there are a lot of raids there. and if yo...
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