
Weapons of the Lodge

Horizon Zero Dawn Top Story
Tallnecks directory updated!
update 02/03/2017

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The Hunters Lodge bestows rewards on those who complete their Trials


  • Gather all Hunting Ground Rewards



There are 5 Hunting Grounds Scattered all over the world:

  • Nora Hunting Grounds
  • Spurflint Hunting Grounds
  • Valleymeet Hunting Grounds
  • Greatrun Hunting Grounds
  • Sun Furrows Hunting Grounds

You must complete each Hunting Ground Trial with Blazing Suns. Collect all 15 Blazing Suns, Full Suns, and Half Suns and go to the Hunters Lodge in Meridian to have them exchanged for special Lodge Weapons. These weapons are strongest versions of the War Bow, Blast Sling and Ropecaster. They also look very cool with golden linings.

The Hunting Grounds


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This is actually good
@@@ you The nator
Besides Horizon Zero Dawn there is a very similar game, I suggest you buy Horizon Forbidden West ...
And while we are waiting for the DLC, you can play WoW, there are a lot of raids there. and if yo...
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