
Table of contents


A Behemoth attack has smashed a wall at the prison of Sunstone Rock, letting three dangerous fugitives escape. They must be stopped.

  • 6670 XP
  • Extraordinary Reward Box


  • Talk to the Warden
  • Find Rasgrund
  • Find Gavan
  • Find Ullia
  • Kill Ullia
  • Talk to Ullia
  • Talk to the Innkeeper
  • Search the Inn for Information about Gavan
  • Capture Rasgrund
  • Follow Gavan's Trail
  • Kill the Smugglers
  • Talk to Gavan
  • Return to Janeva


This quest can be found in Sunstone Rock. Located off to the left of Cauldron Xi. You will find a herd of Behemoths attacking the town. Kill the Behemoths and enter Sunstone Rock through a passage to the left of the main gate.

Probably the best way to deal with the Behemoths is to destroy its large belly component and then aim to destroy the six components around its head. Those components power the Behemoths gravity controlling abilities. Destroying those will stop them from hurling rocks.


Talk to Janeva

Go inside Sunstone Rock and speak to the Warden, Janeva. Janeva will ask you to find 3 people at different locations and kill them.

Find and Kill Ullia

The nearest one to Sunstone Rock should be Ullia. She'll be in a nearby Bandit Camp. If you already cleared the Bandit Camp before the quest she will be standing around the entrance of the camp. Defeat her and continue on to the next one.

Find and Kill Gavan

Gavan's where abouts can be found at the inn marked on your map. Speak to the Innkeeper and then scan the area for clues. Follow the tracks to a bunch of smugglers and take them out and then speak to Gavan.

Find and Kill Rasgrund

Rasgrund can be found to the South West of Meridian, right next to a corrupted zone. Taking on Rasgrund will be a task as you will have to navigate to where he is and simultaneously avoid the traps he's set up for you. Make it to the top where he is and a cut-scene will start.

Report to Janeva

Speak to Janeva to report what happened to the three targets and complete the quest.


I’ve cleared sunstone rock thrice now, but Ullia is nowhere to be found. I hear her, it appears she is already injured but I can’t find her anywhere
Talk to rasgrund is not working how can I fix this problem
<< Anonymous(Glitching)
Pochusaurus Reply
what do you mean? You have to find a way to him by climbing around. Then when you get to where he is a cut-scene will start.

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This is actually good
@@@ you The nator
Besides Horizon Zero Dawn there is a very similar game, I suggest you buy Horizon Forbidden West ...
And while we are waiting for the DLC, you can play WoW, there are a lot of raids there. and if yo...
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