
Fatal Inheritance

Horizon Zero Dawn Top Story
Tallnecks directory updated!
update 02/03/2017

Table of contents


Ranaman, the son of a Carja noble, barely escaped his father's estate when machines attacked. He needs a machine hunter to clear the place out and discover if his family survived.


  • Go to Ranaman's Family Estate
  • Kill the Machines
  • Find the Source of the Shouting
  • Unblock the Door
  • Investigate the Estate
  • Find the Workshop Key
  • Enter the Workshop
  • Investigate the Workshop
  • Return to Daradi
  • Kill the Machines
  • Talk to Daradi



Ranaman's Estate

Once you reach the Estate, you'll have to clear the area of the machines. A few Watchers and a Ravager will be prowling the area. To easily deal with the Ravager use a few Tearblast Arrows from Carja Sharpshot Bow to remove its blaster and some armor as well.

Enter The Workshop

After clearing the Estate of machines, search for the source of the shouting and unblock the door it is coming from.

Investigate the Estate, you may speak to Daradi for some clues but you must find a way into the Workshop. Look for the workshop key on one of the dead servants and then enter the workshop for some investigating.

Return to Daradi to discuss your findings as Daradi's brother comes along. Kill the Machines that have been lured and then speak to Daradi again.


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Comments (updated every hour)

This is actually good
@@@ you The nator
Besides Horizon Zero Dawn there is a very similar game, I suggest you buy Horizon Forbidden West ...
And while we are waiting for the DLC, you can play WoW, there are a lot of raids there. and if yo...
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