
Traitor’s Bounty

Horizon Zero Dawn Top Story
Tallnecks directory updated!
update 02/03/2017


Uthid, a well-liked Shadow Carja officer, has been marked for death by High Priest Bahavas. There must be more to this than meets the eye.

Rewards7000 XP


  • Talk to Vanasha
  • Go to the Three Dead Trees
  • Follow the Tracks
  • Go to the Top of the Greenclimb
  • Investigate the Camp
  • Follow the Tracks
  • Examine the Destroyed Grazer
  • Kill the Glinthawks
  • Follow the Tracks
  • Talk to Uthid
  • Kill the Outlanders
  • Follow Uthid
  • Gather Supplies
  • Kill the Outlanders
  • Follow Uthid
  • Kill Bahavas' Guards
  • Talk to Bahavas

Go to Three Dead Trees

Along the way while doing the Deep Secrets of the Earth quest, you'll meet Vanasha. She's introduce a quest line for you, speak to her right outside Sunfall to continue on this quest.

After speaking to Vanasha, head on out to Three Dead Trees and scan the area for tracks. Use the Focus to highlight the tracks the top of Greenclimb.

Investigate the camp for more tracks that will lead you to a destroyed Grazer and examine it.

You will encounter some Glinthawks so destroy them and continue on your quest to find Uthid.


At the end of the tracks, you'll find Uthid. Speak to him.

You'll soon find out that the Outlanders sent to kill Uthid have also found him.
Kill them and continue to follow Uthid.

Along the way, you will encounter Bahavas and his guards waiting to kill Uthid. Deal with Bahavas' Guards and speak to Bahavas for a cut-scene.


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Comments (updated every hour)

This is actually good
@@@ you The nator
Besides Horizon Zero Dawn there is a very similar game, I suggest you buy Horizon Forbidden West ...
And while we are waiting for the DLC, you can play WoW, there are a lot of raids there. and if yo...
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