

Talanah has accepted a Hunters Lodge contract that Ahsis refused- helping a village under constant attack from machines. What could be causing the onslaught?

TypeSide Quest
  • 3000 XP
  • +1 Tearblaster Weapon Box


    Hunter's Blind can be started after you've completed the Hunting For The Lodge Errand. Go to the Hunters Lodge in Meridian to start on the quest.


    • Talk to Talanah
    • Follow Talanah
    • Go to Lone Light
    • Kill the Glinthawks
    • Talk to Talanah and Ilsadi
    • Find the Cause of the Glinthawk Attacks
    • Kill the Glinthawks
    • Investigate the Area
    • Follow the Tracks
    • Talk to the Hunters
    • 0/1 Gather a Snapmaw Heart
    • Deliver the Heart to the Hunters
    • Talk to Talanah

    Go to Lone Light

    To start the quest, speak to Talanah and follow her to Ilsadi. A cut-scene will start and you'll be asked to go to Lone Light to investigate the machine attacks.

    When you get to Lone Light you'll discover that it is already under attack by Glinthawks. Destroy the Glinthawks and speak to Talanah and Ilsadi again.

    Find the Cause of the Glinthawk Attacks

    Follow your quest marker to where the Glinthawks are nesting at. You will have to kill these Glinthawks as well. Destroy them and then investigate the area.

    Follow the tracks to a group of hunters who are disrupting the machine behavior. They are in need of Snapmaw's heart. Gather one for the hunters and speak to Talanah to complete the quest.


    Where do you find the tracks?
    << Anonymous
    Pochusaurus Reply
    right after you 🔥 the glinthawks at Lone Light, go to the edge where the quest marker is telling you to go then use the Focus. Press R3 and scan around for tracks

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    This is actually good
    @@@ you The nator
    Besides Horizon Zero Dawn there is a very similar game, I suggest you buy Horizon Forbidden West ...
    And while we are waiting for the DLC, you can play WoW, there are a lot of raids there. and if yo...
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